Full Season Tuition: BYO's season typically runs from late August into early May. We offer families the option of receiving a significant tuition discount in exchange for completing volunteer hours (see table below for required hours and discount amount). A sibling discount is available for the 2nd+ musician who joins from a family. Tuition is due in full by the first rehearsal and is non-refundable.
Partial Season Tuition: Prorated tuition is available when joining after the 1st and 2nd concerts and is based on space in the orchestra, which will vary by section. Please contact the Orchestra Manager to inquire.
Financial Assistance: No auditioned and accepted musician will be excluded because of financial need. Please refer to the Scholarship page for how to apply for a BYO scholarship and note that completed scholarship applications must be submitted to the Orchestra Manager at or before the first rehearsal of the season. Additionally, a tuition payment plan is available for an additional one-time $25 processing fee. Please contact the Orchestra Manager with questions about financial assistance.
Season Tuition
BYO Full Season Tuition
BYO Prorated Tuition (November - May)
BYO Prorated Tuition (March - May)
Volunteer Discount
(one allowed per family)
Sibiling Discount
(on 2nd+ siblings)
BYCO Tuition
(by audition only)
- $100
+ $200
Volunteering, Fundraising &
Other Commitments
Volunteering helps to keep tuition low and build community within the orchestra. BYO operates much like a large musical family, giving parents and guardians a chance to work directly with our conductor, coaches, staff, board members, and other orchestra families. We offer a significant tuition discount for families that agree to volunteer 10 hours during the season and we strive to offer many opportunities to fulfill this commitment.
Additionally, orchestra families have the following responsibilities:
Mandatory Parent/Guardian Meetings
Attendance at Parent/Guardian Meetings is required. Typically this is a single meeting in September but additional meetings may be added during the season as needed.
Snack Duty
Each participating family is required to sign up for one rehearsal during which they will team up with another family to provide healthy snacks to the musicians at break time.​
Mandatory fundraising by all families
Families are required to raise $300 in donations to BYO during the season. BYO provides many opportunities to meet this requirement, including participating in Raise-A-Thon, selling concert tickets, participating in our gift card Scrip program, and more. Families can even reduce their tuition for next season by raising over $300 in our Scrip program! Please refer to the Support Us page for details.​