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BYO believes that instrumental music education in a full orchestra setting should be available to all talented young musicians regardless of their family financial situation.


The BYO Board of Directors strives to meet 100% of demonstrated financial need through raising funds to support musicians for whom paying full orchestra tuition is not possible. Each season, the Gomes Family Scholarship Fund supports many deserving musicians, with between 10-15% of orchestra members receiving a partial or full scholarship award. The Gomes Family Scholarship Fund is so named to honor the Gomes Family's many years of service to BYO and is funded through a combination of orchestra operating funds, fundraising events, and donor-directed giving.


Applications are treated confidentially and considered on financial need alone without regard to race, color, religion, or any other non-financial factors. Scholarship awards are based on income tiers from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Income Limits as detailed in the application documentation below.

Completed applications should be sent to the Orchestra Manager ( with all supporting documentation no later than the 1st rehearsal of the season. Please send documents, including any written remarks, in pdf form. 


The Board of Directors will consider all scholarship applications at the September board meeting and the Orchestra Manager will communicate award decisions shortly thereafter. Families applying for a scholarship are not expected to pay the tuition invoice before the first rehearsal, as scholarship decisions will not be made until 2-3 weeks later. It is important that applications, including the family letter, are complete, accurate, and provide context for the Board of Directors to make an informed decision. Each family that receives scholarship is expected to complete 10 hours of volunteer service for the orchestra; otherwise, the volunteer discount will be subtracted from the full scholarship amount.


Interested in helping BYO to provide more financial support to deserving young musicians?

You can enable BYO to help more youth by making a financial contribution for musician scholarships on our Donations page. Larger gifts may be eligible for establishing a named endowment or annual scholarship fund. Please contact us at to discuss your charitable goals and options we offer.

Berkeley Youth Orchestra

BYO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in Berkeley, California.

California Corporation C0727427

Federal EIN 94-2270463

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